Monday, November 22, 2010

Talking about money is dangerous

This past Sunday, I spoke on one of my favorite subjects... money. I love discussing money because people can't ignore it. It is everywhere in the Bible, and no one can read those passages in the Bible and think, "Well, that has nothing to do with me". We are all challenged by what the New Testament says about money... even those of us teaching on the subject.

I was certainly challenged again this week. It is so easy to forget to be tenacious givers.

About 7 years ago, I spoke about giving at a church where I was a guest speaker. It was a message given shortly after New Year's Day, and I told them that my New Year's resolution was to "never miss an opportunity to give". To that end, I told the congregation that I wanted to be serious about giving from that point forward. Thus, I declared that I was going to try to raise my giving by at least 1% every year. Plus, I would respond to support missions trips etc. I am not saying any of this now, nor did I say it then to brag. It was a challenge to the people and a challenge for me to step up my game.

And without getting specific, God blessed me with opportunities to give and grow in that process throughout that year. It was an amazing thing to witness the generosity and kindness of God that I could never repay. But, the truth is, I have not had that same resolution every year since then. Sure, I have grown some in my giving, but not like I would have hoped.

As I was forced to ponder all of this through my study, I was challenged again. Have I been letting opportunities to give (plant seeds) slip? Have I moved away from the continual realization that all that I have is God's? Am I thanking God profusely for that which He has entrusted to me? With New Years coming up, can I kick it up another notch?

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